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“For uncertain times, The Debt-Free Spending Plan offers terrific, back-to-basics advice…The book’s appeal: nothing is left to chance.”


“Everything offered in How to Be an Artist can truly help innovative souls get their hands and hearts into their creative work.”

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“A sublime, interconnected wonder…the author creates bold, authentic characters with no choice but to adapt to circumstances they’d never expected to proceed with strength and grace…An outstanding collection of tales with delightfully diverse and memorable characters.”


“Modern-day, Midwestern, short stories about love, loss, devotion and overcoming, with provocative brave characters who span the glacier-strewn lake towns of Wisconsin’s down-to-earth landscapes.”


"Nagler lets us know that our relationships have to be fed and nurtured, and her Naked Marriage tips show us exactly how with simple, realistic How-to’s."


“Nagler’s foolproof tools are designed for those trying to take control of their money and lives, without donning a hair shirt of penurious sacrifice.”

Library Journal


"Nagler’s practical, disciplined, no-nonsense words in How to Be an Artist are those of the experienced artist providing motivational inspiration and astute counsel."


“Elegantly articulated and masterfully crafted…profoundly moving…an instant classic. Stay with Me, Wisconsin is an exceptionally powerful book.”


Stay with Me, Wisconsin is collection of stories about ordinary bravery. A remarkable collection of tales--compassionate, uplifting, and deeply humane...Love always finds a way."


"Stirring…luminous…precisely rendered.  Tender and encompassing, with distinct, full-bodied characters learning to become adults, the world of Stay with Me, Wisconsin is one readers will embrace."


“JoAnneh Nagler’s engrossing story collection, Stay with Me, Wisconsin, offers a finely honed and ultimately uplifting perspective on grief, love, intimacy, and healing.”


"Filled with a delicate sense of place and purpose, Stay with Me, Wisconsin's characters work their way inside the reader's soul, allowing access into delightfully unexpected regions of the sensual and the evocative.”


Naked Marriage helps busy, married couples find ways to touch, get sexual, get close, talk, and find agreement so couples feel their love rather than just talk about it.”


"Unique stories with unpredictable endings and well-developed characters, each of whom come alive and learn the ability to find love and acceptance. I recommend Stay with Me, Wisconsin to any reader looking for inspiring stories."


"Brimming with realism…blazingly original, sensual, and evocative of the contemporary cultural pulses...Stay with Me, Wisconsin's stories brush the edges of the hearts of readers and awaken or remind them of their deepest human longings."

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